

Beata Rydyger, Registered Nutritionist

Beata Rydyger BSc RHN is a Registered Nutritionist practicing in Los Angeles.

As a practicing nutritionist in Los Angeles, Beata provides food, supplement and lifestyle recommendations to help individuals reach their optimal health and well-being goals.

Beata focuses on broad nutritional and health ailments and goals but specializes in chronic conditions, primarily of the digestive tract such as IBS and SIBO.

She has worked with leading LA doctors and clinics, some of the entertainment industry's top celebrities, has been a spokesperson for popular healthy food brands and has written for many industry magazines and websites.


Dr. Galina Mahlis, Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Galina Mahlis, ND is a graduate of the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine in Connecticut, where she received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. 

Dr. Galina lives in Chicago, IL and runs in private tele-health practice. Her new Chicago wellness center is opening soon! 

In her practice, Dr. Galina sees a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. She individualizes her approach for each patient and utilizes holistic methods while enabling the patient to play an active role in their care. Although Dr. Galina is trained in general medicine and cares for people of all ages, genders, and for many conditions, her special interests include weight loss, nutrition, women’s health, holistic dermatology, digestive health, and pediatrics. 

Dr. Galina is also holistic PCOS specialist and has developed a naturopathic program for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

Dr. Galina has a sweet 6 year old daughter and 2 cats!